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Meet the Team

Sharon Williams - Managing Director

Arrived in Pia as general dogsbody in 1999, and now that I'm MD, nothing's changed! Got to being where I am by interfering, asking questions, wanting improvements and generally getting on everyone's nerves. Spend my days marketing, being strategic, getting creative and learning! My colleagues often wonder what I do all day, so hopefully they'll read this and find out…  

Dilys - CTO - Chief Treats Officer

I joined Pia on 7 January 2019 having been headhunted from Newport Dogs Home. I’d received a couple of offers but Pia was definitely the best place for a rewards-driven canine like myself. My role requires me to spend a lot of time in strategic thought, which looks a lot like sleeping. My colleagues have no idea how hard my job is! As you can imagine for such a senior role, there is also a fair bit of motivational tail-wagging as I patrol the premises. The most important part of my role though is to manage Pia’s MD. Not an easy task but I manage it with a clever little roll-over to show my soft, scratchable belly. I look forward to meeting you next time you pop in to see us at Pia.

Matthew - Head of Development

I arrived in 2009 to add extra capacity to the production team, shortly moving from production to the Braille team as a trainee Braille originator. After a quick stint I moved teams again (obviously something I’d said!) to become a member in the large print team, it was here I set roots working alongside Peter. After a number of years gaining experience in all things accessible, I joined SMT after being overly interfering on a technical side and trying to promote change throughout the business.

Daii - Sales & Marketing Representative

I joined Pia in 2015 as part of the Customer Management Team. During my interview, I impressed everyone with my background in administration and customer service, and my extensive knowledge of conspiracy theories and UFOs! My work involves making sure Pia’s customers get the best service possible. One of the best parts of my job though is spending Pia’s money. If anyone needs a pen, some braille paper or even a pool table, then I’m the person for the job! So, next time you call, say hello. 

Sara – Sales & Marketing Representative

I have worked as a temp for Pia over the years but have recently been hired on a permanent basis. My role involves marketing, managing Pia’s social media presence, pulling together the monthly newsletter, being wellbeing champion as well as anything else they might find me useful for in the office. Outside of work I spend my time chasing around after my three young girls and their busy social schedules. For relaxation I enjoy crafting (knitting is my preference at the moment) and baking yummy cakes!!! 

Craig – Transcriber

I arrived at Pia in 2013 as a part-time braille proofreader, and then became a full-time Braille transcriber in 2015. When I’m not at my desk, I can usually be found eating biscuits and causing mischief around the building.

Tad - Transcriber

I started at Pia in June 2015 as a production assistant. However, once my aptitude for technology and my ability as an electronic illustrator got out, I was soon whisked to my own transcriber’s desk. These days, I also spend a lot of time in a soundbooth at Pia reading and then engineering audio documents. I’ve also been responsible for setting up Pia’s synthetic speech option in the audio suite and for making sure that our output is nowhere near robotic! In addition to all of this, I’m also one of the go to colleagues when a braille embosser is playing up. One of these days, I’ll have a ‘normal’ job… 

Carol - Transcriber

I have worked for Pia as a transcriber since June 2017. I originally joined as a temp and have recently become a permanent member of the team. I’ve never worked with accessible formats before and find it very rewarding. In my spare time I enjoy swimming, watching motorsport and Strictly Come Dancing. I also go to the theatre.

Catrin - Transcriber

I started working for Pia as a large print temp through an agency in November 2016, and then became a permanent member of staff in April 2017. I will be starting a Braille course soon and hopefully in 2019 I’ll be able to originate both Braille and large print. I am a fluent Welsh speaker and I have a passion for languages and all things linguistic. Outside of work I enjoy playing badminton and video games, and have the occasional urge to get crafty (painting, colouring, sewing, baking and jewellery-making so far).

Nathaniel - Transcriber

I was taken on by Pia for three months in January 2018 to provide extra help working on a large contract – binding, collating, packing and dispatching. Following the end of this seasonal work I learnt how Pia does large print and audio. I am now a full-time audiologist. Working at Pia is fun and I would recommend our services to everyone. Before we get to Ceri’s paragraph, I’d just like to say: “Braille, lovely brai-ille!”

Ceri - Transcriber

Pia needed someone extraordinary so the temp agency sent me to sort things out transcribing large print, which I still do. I have also learnt all things audio, so also record and edit letters and documents. I was made a permanent member of Pia’s team in November 2018 and everything’s going well. I really like ice-cream and I’m getting married in November 2022 – plans are proceeding, thank you. Thanks to Nat for the handover, and before we pass to Katie, I’d like to add: “Audio, best audio!”

Katie - Transcriber

I was headhunted because Pia wanted, not just someone like me, but actually me! Anyhow, the temp agency sent me along for a week’s trial (found not guilty, phew!), and I became a proper Pia person in November 2018. I love eating cake. Like Ceri, I transcribe large print and audio, and following her handover, here is what I want to say: “Get your large print here!”

Lauren - Team Leader - Production

I joined Pia in 2007 as part of the Production Team. I produce and despatch the documents. I currently work part time and when I’m not working at Pia I look after my three beautiful children, and I’m known to enjoy going on a spending spree or two!!

Debra – Company Secretary

I’ve been at Pia since 1996 and what a whirlwind ride it’s been. Many things have changed since I first joined, but because I look after the finances, some of my role is still the same as it was back then. The fun part of my role in recent years though has been as a point of contact for customers (especially the ones who need to talk to someone really clever…). I’ve now been a member of the senior management team for a few years, so although I may not speak to customers as often as I used to, I still get to keep an eye on the colleagues who do. Everyone always has to do as I say, because I’m the one who runs the payroll!

Yasmin - HR Consultant - Healthy HR

Pia is one of my favourite businesses to work with and that’s because it’s made up of passionate people who really care about making a difference. I have been supporting Pia with a range of day to day HR activities, projects and everything in-between! Although I’m not technically a member of the team everyone at Pia always goes out of their way to make me feel like part of the gang!

For more information on the support I can offer your business click here

Braille Printing


Over 20 years experience in braille transcription services and high quality, professionally presented braille printing & embossing.

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Large Print

Large Print

Large print documents professionally reformatted ensuring your large print collateral presents a consistent and professional brand image.

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Large Print


We transcribe your documents to multiple audio formats to allow you to communicate to customers who have difficulty accessing print.

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